A review by lostcanticles
The River Has Roots by Amal El-Mohtar


I enjoyed this immensely! I went into this blindly, all I knew was that this was Amal El-Mohtar’s solo debut. Having loved Time War, there really wasn’t much that needed to be said.

Every phrase and word choice made reading this feel like a classic fairytale and a love song, though it is also a murder ballad in a way. The magic system in this book is grounded on grammar, which I found very fitting considering the lyrical prose and the hold this author has over language. Those familiar with Time War or Amal El-Mohtar’s other short stories would anticipate the way she creates worlds and introduces magic systems, in my opinion she leaves a lot for the reader to interpret themselves; this book isn’t different in that regard. The riddles and wordplay used throughout the novella to move the story along or make a point were also so satisfying and fun to read.

Can’t help but share one of my favorite passages (because so true!! that’s how you describe a man lmao):
“Queen of ducks and angels. You shall have poems written to you with a quill on fire. You shall have songs sung to you by enchanted harps. Whole branches of grammar will be invented only to praise you…demand better than to be worshipped by a crumb.”

*The review copy I was granted has a sneak peak at Amal’s upcoming short story collection. Looking forward to that as well.

Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for the arc.