A review by gnostalgia
The Warlord of the Air by Michael Moorcock


Moorcock takes me back to the days of my misspent youth. Summer days sitting in an old wing-backed chair, a book in my lap, and Tony Orlando bellowing Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree. I enjoyed the Elric of Melniboné saga and almost anything from the pen of Michael Moorcock.Like a blast from the past Titan Books will re-print some classic Moorcock steampunk, The Warlord of the Air.

If you are familiar with Moorcock’s eternal champions, you should see some familiar Moorcock magic. I’ve always liked alternate time-line stories with a good dose of steampunkery so this book was right up my alley. It’s been decades since I’ve read this title so it was almost as if I were reading a new novel. In an odd way, it was a little more political than I remembered.

If you haven’t read The Warlord of the Air, I highly recommend it. It’s a must have for your steampunk “Home Library.” Pulpy steampunky goodness, I give it 4 stars out of 5.