A review by angelreads
The Moment Before by Suzy Vitello


After having so much trouble of being able to read my eARC, I finally got to read The Moment Before and I am very happy that I did.

The Moment Before was a very heartfelt, emotional read. We start reading and we already see and feel the emotions that our main character Brady, has with the death of her sister, Sabrina. She is in a rough place. She can’t seem to concentrate at school, she can function but she really isn’t there.

I really like Brady as a character; she isn’t stuck up, or thinks she is the best in the world. Brady is very much down to earth, but at the same time she is broken inside. I really feel for Brady, she doesn’t really know how to deal with the lost of her sister. And as the book goes on, we see her come to terms with everything as well as become stronger. I love that she is an artist; she sees the world differently then everyone else and that just makes it that more interesting. I feel so much for her, she has gone through so much and she just can not get a break. I also found at times that Brady is so sassy, I loved it. Suzy Vitello created so much emotion throughout the whole book.

Conner, is the boy that is being blamed for Sabrina’s death. I just feel for him, his back story with Sabrina is heartbreaking. He is not only being blamed, he believes that her death is his fault and I just want to go and comfort him and tell him it’s not his fault. I think the fact that he also cared alot for Sabrina makes me feel so much more. The way that Conner and Brady connect, helps them both with their grief and also with themselves.

I really disliked Brady’s parents, yes I understood that they were grieving their daughter’s death, but during that time they pushed there other daughter, Brady, away and it affected her. I disliked Brady’s mum more than I did her dad for some reason, even though what her dad did was bad, just the way her mum treated her, I wanted to scream in her face.

I though the plot behind this book, would be pretty straight forward, but it wasn’t and I loved it. It had twist and turns and it was pretty damn awesome. There is something, more like alot of things that Brady doesn’t know about her sister, and they all came to play a part in her death in one way or another. My heart hurts for her.

I really disliked Nick, Sabrina’s boyfriend before she died. I had this bad feeling about him from the start; I just could not connect with him at all. He is just a d***. He is a Scio. I wanted to hit both him and Martha for what they did.

I don’t understand why Brady keeps on going to Martha, she is just a bitch and so stuck up, she does not care about anyone but herself most of the time. She doesn’t understand what is important. I just found her to be really shallow. At the end she kind of redeems herself, but not that much. It just to made me tolerate her.

I really liked the way that Suzy Vitello set up of the novel, the way that we get flashbacks of time between Brady and Sabrina, I think it’s cute and emotional and showed their relationship with each other. I found it interesting that sometimes Brady heard Sabrina talk to her, I think Brady found comfort it in some of the time.

I didn’t like the ending that much. I think it lacked something, especially between Conner and Brady, it was like "okay, there done". I wanted something more. It was just so good until then last few pages. But overall I really liked The Moment Before.

I Give The Moment Before 4 Stars out of 5


'Mad? Oh, Martha, that doesn't even approach how I feel about you. And him'

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