A review by erinarkin20
Resist by Missy Johnson


Resist by Missy Johnson was a book I came across while I was scanning NetGalley. I appreciate a good adult book and this one sounded intriguing. Unfortunately it fell a bit short for me.

I think the biggest challenge for me was the characters. Not a single one in this book had me rooting for them. Charlotte was willing to do anything to get the career she felt she deserved and I just found her to be annoying. Jaxon definitely had something horrible happen to him but outside of that situation, he made it very difficult for me to feel anything for him. I mean…girls living in his house for him to use for whatever he wants??

Outside of the characters, the story is set up to have us find out what is really going on right along with Charlotte. She has inserted herself into a world and situation where she really has no experience so she is just doing whatever she can to stay on Jaxon’s good side. As she is yanked into his world, I found it interesting to see what she was willing to do. With that in mind, there were some things that just didn’t make sense to me. Yes, Jax had all these other women in the house and we really only see one of them in the beginning but I don’t buy that Charlotte was just so captivating that he completely gave up his other needs…considering what we saw of him in the beginning.

Overall this one was just ok for me. The overall mystery and ultimately the end of the book were wrapped up in a way that felt a bit rushed and in the end, the fact that the characters didn’t win me over made it so that I didn’t really have any investment in whether they were able to make it work or not.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy.