A review by theresidentbookworm
Listen to Your Mother: What She Said Then, What We're Saying Now by Ann Imig


*Receieved through Goodreads' First Reads in exchange for an honest review.

I'm not really sure I was the target audience for this book. I'm pretty sure I entered this giveway at 2 or 3 in the morning half-asleep. I make it a goal to enter as many as possible. After all, how can you win if you don't enter? Still, I'm not always sure what I'm going to get, and I've gotten some interesting ones. Including Listen to Your Mother.

These essays were nice and short, perfect for skimming or reading all the way through if that's what you prefer, but I wish they had been a little more varied in content. I would have liked some more perspectives on mothers from people that are not mothers or men on mothers. The essays started to all feel the same after a while. I had never heard of the movement associated with it before reading this so maybe that was the point.

I did enjoy the honesty, sincerity, and humor shared throughout the essays and how truly genuine they all felt. Being a mother (from what I hear) is hard work, and no one here skirts around that. The essayists never fail to point out, however, how fulfilling it is too.

Overall, recommended for mothers or even just parents. Definitely a good gift for your mother next Mother's Day.