A review by arielamandah
The Fixed Stars by Molly Wizenberg


I've loved Molly Wizenberg's writing since before she started publishing books. A couple years older than I am, she's someone who I find connection with through her words. If you were a blog reader in their hey-day, you know what I mean: there are people out there who you've never met, but somehow reading their personal, down-to-earth voice about the minutiae and mundanity of their lives helps you set a course through your own experience. "We're the same, you're normal, everyone's lives are weird, you're not the only one with a very specific odd-seeming interest." I've followed her writing throughout her career and jumped when I heard she was publishing a third memoir: The Fixed Stars.

Goodreads friends, it did not disappoint. This thoughtful investigation into herself and her realization in her mid-thirties that she wasn't straight, is braided through with her usual good humor, self-reflection (though not shoe-gazingly so), and generosity to those around her. Her writing is clear and lovely, though more complex in this book than in her prior two. Something here feels more grown up (no surprise, a life lived will do that to a person). At the same time, I feel this book is meant for people already familiar with her story and her writing. I can't imagine opening it and beginning to read had I not already been familiar with her story. Me? I loved it. I appreciated it. I devoured it. Thank you, Molly, for sharing your life and your family with us.