A review by cwgrieves
Fury by Salman Rushdie


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I picked it at random off a shelf at home and I'm really glad I did. It takes a while to actually get into the action of the story, so I did go through this one quite slowly. There is a point around half way through the book though where it really takes off and it went in a direction I was not expecting at all. The slow and methodical description and development of the characters had a clear purpose and when I figured that out the book really opened up for me. I have to say though, for me the best thing about Fury was that it turned me on to Rushdie's writing and is the reason that I got The Satanic Verses.

I lent the book to my flatmate (who is an ecologist) and he did not like it at all. Essentially he didn't see that anything was happening and couldn't be arsed reading about some dollmaker. His loss