A review by mesy_mark
Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your Lgbtq Child (Book for Parents of a Gay Child, Transgender, Coming Out, and Reade by Telaina Eriksen


A simple book on accepting your child if they are LGBT. Most focuses on the LBG population rather than the trans, which is understandable since it is a minority in a minority but I would have liked a bit more word on how gender dysphoria is a hard thing to deal with.

I liked how it had dos and don'ts as summarizing the end of each quick chapter. I liked how it expressed getting to understand your child and look at their end ie how being rejected by parents may be to the child, the risk factors that LGBT children face being a minority group. It also provided resources and further reading which is nice since sometimes reading more on a subject can help the reader understand the topic even more (gee know how much I tried this with my own Mom)

I also liked the "In Our Own Word's" sections that are at the end of each chapter. Gives a little of insight.

This is a book that I will like my own parents to read, at least certain sections since, although I am an adult, I am only a T in LGBT. It is a worthwhile read to a parent if they want a simplified version of how to accept your LGBT child.