A review by billymac1962
Eyes of Prey by John Sandford


Truth be told, I was getting a little tired of the psycho-killer genre, but this was a good quick read.
Although it doesn't quite reach the must-read status, there are bits to this installment that merit a fair recommendation here.

Once again, Sandford creates a sick mind, cutting scenes to make your back curl (read the title), and, like Rules of Prey, one totally helpless victim. The read is harrowing at times, but the story
does fall into the same old formula (granted, this was written in 1991, so I can't lay blame here. The market is just so saturated with this genre now).
So if you're in the mood for a good psycho-killer read, jump into this one.

I do question some of Sandford's drug knowledge here though. No human can function in society with the overdoses his character pours into himself. Come on, six black beauties, PCP, acid, cocaine and then it's off to work??
Or having to be shaken awake at 6AM after dropping a heavy hit of acid only 6 hours earlier...riiiiight.
Might need a little more research there, Johnny.

Still worth a read.