A review by ljrinaldi
The Life After, Volume 1 by Joshua Hale Fialkov, Gabo


This is a collection of a very interesting graphic novel series, about Jude, who is living a boring life, unaware, as that he is not really living, that he has been placed in this world, and when he breaks out, with Ernest Hemingway, and others, he tries to fight the powers that be, including the supreme being.

It is sometimes funny, sometimes sad. It is very strange, and if you are very religious, you might find it offensive. But, if you don't get offended, it can be a rocking ride.

Do they win? Do they over come? Who is Jude really, and why is he important, or is he important? Or is it Hemingway who is important.

Highly recommend this, but be aware that this is only the first volume, and there is more to come.

Thanks to NetGalley for making this book available for an honest review.