A review by n8hanson
Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff



- The protagonists in this Lovecraftian horror are finally somebody besides upper-class, xenophobic, white male academics. The author even attempts to write working-class black women with agency.

- The horrors of racism in 1950s America ground the story in the full reality of the era.


- The dialogue is occasionally stilted and often full of monologue-esque info dumps. On multiple occasions, one character will spend several pages unloading a lengthy backstory with zero back-and-forth with their counterpart.

- The attempts at cosmic horror largely fall flat in flavorless prose. The true horror comes from the racists abusing their power.

- The characters, with one exception, are largely as unfazed by their trauma as the reader. They soldier on with pluck and vigor, apparently unshaken by their encounters with things-man-was-not-meant-to-know.