A review by bookishcryptid
The Introvert Writer: Being Your Creative Best By Being Your Truest Self by Jamie Arpin-Ricci


Put it on the DNF list in the second chapter. I usually don’t like leaving reviews for books that I don’t finish but GOD.
The first chapter was basically just the author explaining what introversion is (which I think just about everyone who’d pick the book up knows) and telling us it’s okay to be an introvert? Like yeah, dude, I know. They describe being an introvert like it’s some kind of deadly disease that we have to live with and they just keep on repeating that there’s hope for us and other bs.
At one point they even tell a story where a coworker figured out they were an introvert and bURST INTO TEARS! Like... WTF???
They treat it like it’s something we just have to come to terms with like a heart defect.
I just don’t like being around people that doesn’t make me special or different, most people are introverts it’s NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL. Christ.
I gave it two stars because it had some cool quotes but other than that it really just frustrated me (and i didn’t even read the whole book) and the advice was pretty dull.