A review by noa_ashley_
Sacrificial Sinners by J. Rose


" We're all falling apart and it's her fault. Losing our damn minds but sticking around regardless, that's the power Brooklyn has over us. Whether she knows it or not, that bitch brought us to our knees." - Phoenix 

There is more of a mystery plot in this book than in the first book. It is clear that there are strange things going on in Blackwood Institute. I love the relationship the characters have with each other. It feels more like a family. I can't wait to read the third book and more in this universe.

About Eli
Eli is still my favorite, he has so much personality and personal growth. I love the way Phoenix and Brooklyn are with him. They see him for what he is (someone who wants to communicate and wants to be loved but doesn't know how to ask for that) and help him with this he has difficulties with. I love chapter 22. I really felt like what they did with the Bible made a big difference in Eli that really helpt him working through his past and trauma's. He has so much patience and is really focused on what the boys and Brooklyn need. I feel like he knows what to do by especially Phoenix and Brooklyn. 

About Phoenix:
I love Phoenix and I expected him to struggle a lot in this second book because of what happened in the end of the first book. I would have loved to read more about that and how they help him with that. He is so sweet and doesn't want to step over someone's boundaries, that is something Eli and Phoenix both think is important and I love the talkes they have about that. It's all in the small things that mean so much. 

About Brooklyn:
Brooklyn been through a lot and she doesn't get a break in this book. Her nightmares are getting worse and the boys try everything to help her with that. But there are things she isn't telling them. There are a lot of secrets and things from her past that she pushed away. 

About Hudson:
Hudson is growing on me to be honest, I didn't think what was passible. I still think he crosses some boundaries and had to talk about the things he did or let happen to Brooklyn. They finally kind of talked about it. He has a lot of working to do but I think he's getting there in the end. I don't love the fact that Brooklyn and him just continued without talking but like they said. They are very toxic together. 

About Kade:
Kade did something big and bad what had impact on him but especially Hudson. I wanted a chapter about how he is feeling after that but because there was so much going on with the mystery plot there wasn't enough time for moments like that. Kade thinks family is important and I get where that comes from but I feel like he is pushing the idea of the boys and Brooklyn to much. I feel like he is stepping over their feelings. He asked if Brooklyn wanted to do something for Hudson because they are a family but didn't even say sorry for what Hudson did or acknowledged her feelings about that situation or Hudson. He does that a lot. I think I like Hudson more than Kade because I don't see a chance in Kade but I do see a little chance in Hudson. 

The Characters from 1-5 (book 2) 

1. Eli
2. Phoenix
3. Brooklyn 
4. Hudson 
5. Kade