A review by whoareyouhannah
Red Country by Joe Abercrombie


Not quite sure how I feel about this one. The first half of the book felt a bit too slow for me and I didn't connect with the characters as well as I did with others in Abercrombie's books. What I found very interesting was that instead of the biting cynism you usually find in the First Law world, this book had a lot of sadness in it. The last third of the book was brilliant and especially the parts where a child is the POV character added a whole new dimension to the story for me. I also loved the contrast between the dragon people and the mercenaries and the way each thought about the other one. Even though he chose quite a different scenario after "The Heroes", Abercrombie continues to explore the dark side of human nature and how far they are willing to go to get what they want. He could have chosen a much easier way to tell his stories, but I'm glad for the thoughtfulness you can feel in every chapter.