A review by mnboyer
Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture--And What We Can Do about It by Kate Harding


For all of the wrong reasons, everyone is worried to discuss "rape culture" -- there are too many "gray" areas, people are afraid they'll be hated if they ask the wrong question, and of course... some people just don't believe "rape culture" exists despite overwhelming evidence.

Enter Kate Harding and this tell-it-like-it-is book that discusses rape culture, the many issues surrounding reporting rape, prosecuting rape, the media, and of course the ever-present trend of people blaming the victim. Harding offers personal insight (she'll discuss her own rape in this book) but offers possible reasons that rape remains an issue.

Simply put: We need to do better.

I fell in love with the writing style. Harding tells it like it is. She curses. You can tell there are times where she's angry. She calls people out. She attempts to hold legislators and judges (and let us not forget Senators) responsible for all of the dumb crap that spews from their mouth. My favorite idiotic thing a Senator has said about women and rape sums up as: If a woman is really raped, her uterus shuts down so she cannot become pregnant.

Definitely worth reading. I managed to get through it in a few hours--couldn't put it down.