A review by linzreadz13
Bourbon Sins by Meghan Quinn


Holy scorching hot chemistry!

This series has been on my TBR for quite a while now. After hearing that it was getting rebranded and edited I knew I had to pick it up right away. I’m SO glad that I did. Chemistry is all over the place in this story! I ate it up.

I love how different, yet purely Meghan Quinn, this story is. It was so much hotter than the other books I’ve read from her but still had those gut splitting laugh out loud moments as well.

Goldie is such a fun, spunky, sassy, and feisty girl. She’s been through alot but hasn’t let that stop her from trying to take care of herself even it it means selling herself. I loved her attitude. Jett knew she would make a great Jett Girl but he didn’t know how much of a handful she would be at the same time. He isn’t used to girls with her personality and it’s so fun to watch!

Jett! Holy swoony man! He was so sweet yet the right amount of cocky thrown in as well. He has been through a lot and has built up some walls to protect his heart. I couldn’t help but root for him. Let’s be real, I want to be a Jett Girl and after reading this you’ll want to be one too.

I’ve never rooted more for a secondary character than Kace. I LOVE HIM!!!! I can’t wait to see what happens with him in the rest of the series. He’s got some serious baggage and has not the greatest past.

Excuse me now while I go binge the rest of this great series!

Grateful to have received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.