A review by lanikei
God's Harvard: A Christian College on a Mission to Save America by Hanna Rosin


I read this probably a year ago (or more even?) and just kept putting off a review because I had so much I wanted to say about it. At this point, I don't really remember what I wanted to say anymore, so I guess I may as well clear out my currently-reading list.

Basically, I grabbed this because its about a school located very close to my parents' house. I'd never heard of it, and the title was interesting.

I thought it was FASCINATING. Rather like the movie Jesus Camp in that it revealed Christian fundamentalists that I wasn't fully aware existed.

I didn't think the book was overly negative in tone, though many of the people interviewed did plenty of damage on their own. Some of the kids were downright creepy, but I at least respect that they are able to pursue higher education in a welcoming community and most of them seem VERY passionate about their future and the future of the country - even if it isn't necessarily a future I agree with.

Absolutely worth a read if you enjoyed Jesus Camp, or if you are intrigued by Christian fundamentalism. I'm not sure how the people represented in the book feel - is it an accurate depiction? I'd be curious to know.

I'll have to pick it up again sometime and reevaluate.

Read 7/29/2013

My early review still stands pretty well. It's not the best book structurally, but it's definitely interesting enough to make up for it.

On this time through I was particularly intrigued by the struggles that the female students were having with their future roles.