A review by noveldeelights
Night by Night by Jack Jordan


Goodness gracious me.

I’m beginning to think there is some sort of competition going on between authors of crime and psychological thrillers on who can make me reach for the tissues the most. These types of books don’t normally make me all emotional but lately it’s been one after the other and I’m not sure I approve. (I kid. Of course I approve!)

Poor Rose Shaw has been struggling with insomnia for years, with devastating consequences. One evening, she collides with a man on the street. In his hurry to get away, the man drops a journal. This journal belonged to a young man called Finn Matthews, who was convinced someone was out to kill him. Rose decides to spend her sleepless nights on trying to discover what happened to Finn.

Cue emotional rollercoaster ride and balled up tissues all over the place. At its base, Night By Night is a psychological thriller but it is SO much more than that! There is an incredible amount of depth to this story and its characters. As a fellow insomniac, I could completely relate to Rose’s brain fog, which goes far beyond wondering where you left your keys. It doesn’t just affect her, but her entire family in the most devastating way.

Both Rose and Finn pulled at my heartstrings and I quickly became invested in both of their lives. I shared Rose’s anxiety and frustration, I shared Finn’s distress and fear, and I was often left to feel immensely sad and extremely angry. There is just so much to get worked up about in this story. Injustice, ignorance, homophobia, abuse of power, … the list is almost endless and sadly all too realistic and believable.

These characters will pull you in from the start. The suspense and tension builds up along the way, quickly making Night By Night so insanely addictive that I struggled to put it down. It’s such a chilling, disturbing, harrowing and haunting story. One of those that just gets under my skin, making these characters and the things they go through utterly unforgettable.

I came to Jack Jordan’s books rather late and this is only the second one I’ve read by him. He’s firmly on my radar now though and he should be on yours too. With such brilliant and vivid writing, such evocative and thrilling storytelling, such absolutely incredible characterisation, he really is a gifted and talented author and his name has now firmly been written down on my list of go-to authors. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next! In the meantime, I highly recommend you go out and grab yourself a copy of Night By Night!