A review by usnebojemesa
The Magus by John Fowles


Finally finished this wretched book and I wish it didn't take me twelve days to do it but it was one of the bigger ones in a long time.
Anyways, let's brace ourselves for this one.
I genuinely stopped reading big books some time ago. It's no surprise most of the books I've read are 200-300 pages or, preferably, less. The second to last big one, '[b:Farewell, Monsieur Gaston|23550601|Farewell, Monsieur Gaston|Nikolai Grozni|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1415815394l/23550601._SX50_.jpg|43150439]' took two months to finish (from the end of July till beginning of October last year) and it 'only' had around 400 pages (if I am remembering correctly), but it was a beast, plot-wise, language-wise, complexity-wise.
Now I remember I've read '[b:The Goldfinch|17333223|The Goldfinch|Donna Tartt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1378710146l/17333223._SY75_.jpg|24065147]' after putting it off for a long time but that one also cost me some twenty days. Now, I don't spend most of my days reading, I have two jobs and mandatory uni classes so imagine all the ways I fit reading into this.

This one was just... extremely tedious to finish somehow but it was not un-enjoyable (or I could just say it was enjoyable, I'm tired).
No, the length of did not make me 'happy' to hang out with the characters or love them in any way. The plot and the way it blossomed and unraveled made it clear to me how much this book relied on it being a 'mystery' which had attracted me to it but it was so convoluted at times because we followed it as it unraveled with Nicholas. Don't get me even started on him.
In the first part of the book I couldn't stand him, the middle left me really close till I propelled this book from my window just because of the whole Greece mystery (but honestly it was starting to get hard to follow) and honestly, the last 100 pages were really my favorite bit. That's it.
The prose is really nice at times, leaving us with some nice passages and memorable words structures (green as lettuce, hello??).