A review by popthebutterfly
Home: A Dystopian Journey by David Duane Kummer


Disclaimer: I received this ebook from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Home: A Dystopian Journey

Author: David Duane Kummer

Book Series: Standalone

Rating: 2/5

Publication Date: August 1, 2019

Genre: Sci-Fi

Recommended Age: can’t recommend, DNF-ed

Publisher: Indie Published

Pages: 145

Amazon Link

Synopsis: The wilderness shows no mercy.

On a journey to nowhere, an escape from the past, four travelers must confront the harsh realities of their chosen path. The terrain is treacherous; the supplies are low. But turning back isn't an option. Only death is behind.

Someone is following.

Others have tried this route. Many have gone; none have returned. Their only salvation, their only hope, lies at the end. But the end of the journey is not what it seems. Nothing is.


Review: I couldn’t get into the book, so at 34% I had to DNF it. The book was ok, but I just couldn’t get into it and it was confusing me. I might come back to this book and read it again, but not for now.

Verdict: Not for me.