A review by chrysalis
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer


I’ve never cried so hard reading a book. I’ve always been interested in nature and this book clarified so many things for me. She answered questions that I had as a kid that were just brushed off or answered wrongly. I always thought that humans were bad for the earth. That we just need to leave nature alone. I never viewed myself as part of nature (cause of ego lol) but now reading this I realize we have things to offer. I want to live my life with reciprocity. I want to give and take, not just take.

And the way she described time as both past and future blew my mind.

Also the biblical references she made comparing it to indigenous beliefs blew my mind!!! How on one side of the world one woman brought destruction to the world and on the other one woman brought life. How ones persons punishment was another persons gift.

This book totally changed my view on the world and I think that’s all a book needs to do to be a good book.