A review by glo68
Kiss Me, My Duke by Fenna Edgewood


Ah, these series, so perfect, so swoon-worthy! Gorgeous, impeccably drawn characters that come alive on the page, intriguing plots, steamy scenes… Everything I need in a romance! And Dare and Laurel’s story is so good! Two very different people brought together by circumstance who fall desperately in love: that’s my ideal read. And the side characters are amazing as well, especially Cassie, but even the villainous Bryce (an attractive silver fox that I’d like to personally redeem! Insert evil grin here). And of course now I simply NEED to see the last (is it really the last?) Blakeley coupled with yet another Spencer, but also to learn more about a mystery left unsolved at the end of the book… (not a cliffhanger for the couple, of course, but intriguing as well!)
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.