A review by bibliophile90
Remember by Dylan Allen


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


"With one kiss, his capture of my very soul is complete and final. This is us. And always will be."

After finishing Rise I was really looking forward to Milly's second-chance romance. It was obvious from the first book that there were things she was keeping to herself and I couldn't wait to find out what. Remember started with a bang, I was instantly catapulted into Milly's mind and was feeling exactly what she was feeling. It was a hurricane of emotions for me, I went from sad/beat-down to angry and ready for a fight. Dylan Allen has a way with words, she hypnotizes and doesn't let you go until the end. So many things happened in the first half of the book, I was really excited to see where Milly's journey would take her. She lost herself and tries to remember who she was. I loved seeing her grow and develop as an individual. I love her personality so much, and the same goes for Dean, her first love. He was so swoon-worthy and I couldn't get enough of him. These two were magical together. What they have is that one of a kind love. (I am still looking to find mine)

"She looks like Hera descending Mount Olympus. She is more beautiful than Helen of Troy, and I would be willing to battle an entire nation for her."

The way they were reunited was amazing, I really loved it. I loved the flashbacks of when they were young and in love, and wish there were more of them (and this coming from someone who normally dislikes flashbacks). In the last quarter of the book many secrets are revealed, and I have to say I was really impressed with how Dylan made everything fit so perfectly together. I loved that there was a bit of a mystery/suspense aspect to the story. There were questions I still had from the first book so I was happy when all of them were answered in this one. Remember is a beautiful second-chance romance, it is also a book about family which was integrated phenomenally into the book. It also doesn't have any unnecessary drama, no crazy miscommunication that could've been solved by just talking to each other. This book has characters you can relate to. The story and pace feels very organic. Plus the sex scenes were very hot!

"I'd live my lonely, miserable childhood all over again. As long as I knew that at the end of the day I would end up with you."

I highly recommend Dylan's books for readers who are looking for novels that are more than just romance. She takes it to the next level, and I can't really categorize her books into one genre. I also stopped trying to compare her books to others, because they are one of a kind. I am a huge fan of her writing and can't wait to see what she comes up with next.