A review by accidentalrambler
Running with a Sweet Talker by Jami Albright



I really wanted to give this one more. I really REALLY did. The story was so much better and more compelling here. The characters were interesting and I liked them (for the most part) and I did love how Jack and Luanne made this journey together and grew separately as characters as well as they grew into being a couple. Like seriously, the only bone I have to pick with this story in this regard is that I was a bit disappointed in how little them being lawyers factored into the overall story (it's just my personal take here, this story just didn't have most of the elements I love about romances with lawyers as main characters).

So yeah, this book was well on the road to earn 3 or even 3.5 rating but then there were these things - sometimes small, sometimes big - that just make me go:

But no, no, no, NOPE, not gonna happen.

So, to break it down fast and as painless as possible, here's a list:

1) author's take on depression

These are bits and pieces about Luanne's mother:

"Baby, Mama can’t get out of bed today. I’m too sad."

“She committed suicide?”
“Not outright. But she wasted away to nothing and died in her sleep one night.

Does this remind you of something? Like sure, "too sad to get out of bed" and "wasted away to nothing" might not necessarily mean Luanne's mother suffered from depression but to me it clearly suggests it. So imagine how ticked off I was when Luanne repeatedly said/thought she didn't want to be WEAK like her mother. I just honestly can't. Then there's also all the talk how pathetic (and again, weak) her mother was for making her happiness dependable on a man and man, who knew women being emotional/having feelings is such a crime.

2) author's take on coming out

This is a perfect example why SOMETIMES it's best for authors not to write about what they don't know. Because based on what I read in this book, I can tell the author is The Straightest Person to ever straight and I don't mean it in a good way.

There's this conversation that happens between Luanne and Kyle (Jack's biological dad's partner) where he talks about how he and Mitch started their relationship. So the gist of this talk was (apart from it being the push for Luanne to give Jack another chance):

- not coming out of the closet is destructive to you
- not coming out equals to "your crap"
- you OWE IT to your family to be honest

*eyes twitching so much I can barely see*

I know it was a small part of this book but it MADE ME SO ANGRY, like who are you to tell a queer person what their responsibilities are or how much "healthier" it'd be for them to come out. Not every family is all rainbows and roses and sometimes staying in a closet is the only way for someone to feel safe and comfortable. It's not anyone's obligation to divulge their sexuality. You have no business telling queer people what they owe to others when you have clearly NO IDEA what you're talking about.

Sorry not sorry but this set me off a bit.

3) author's take on guns

The screech of the screen door and the cocking of a shotgun punctuated Jack’s threat. Kyle, Mitch, Mimi, and Leslie all poured onto the porch. Kyle handed the weapon to Mimi. “There you go, Mimi. It’s cocked and ready for you.

It's the South and you love your guns, WE GET IT, MOVE ON


Other than that, there were few other things that bothered me but to be honest, I have no energy left to go into them. To sum up, this book had LOTS of potential and I really liked the romance part. It's just sad that it got overshadowed by the issues mentioned above.

Clearly, this author and her works just aren't for me and I for sure won't be touching any more books of hers.