A review by tracit
The Forgetting Moon by Brian Lee Durfee


Story: In a very religious world a kingdom is on the brink of invasion. According to a prophecy five people can stand in the way of the invaders.

Characters: This is very character driven work with multiple points of views. Strangely the main protagonist Nail was the least interesting and most annoying character for me. Characterization is done very well, but sometimes slows the books.

Worldbuilding: Do not get me wrong, there is a lot of worldbuilding done here. A lot of thought seems to be put into this world and its religion and background. But it is really just not my kind of world. Too many times I was reminded of Christian religion and I do like more fantasy if I read fantasy. If I remember correctly magic was absent from this book at all.

Writing Style: Nothing special to note, except for a debut novel it is executed very well.

(Sub) Genre rating: For me it is a mix of High / Epic Fantasy with Grimdark.

Final Thoughts / Buzz: I was really looking forward to this book and also it was part of The Five Warrior Angels, I hoped it was not to much influenced by Christian religion. But unfortunatley for me it did not work out. Overall it is a very well executed debut novel which is just not my cup of tea. And therefore I won't return to this world in the near future.