A review by jennifermreads
Archie, Volume 1 by Mark Waid


When Archie: The New Riverdale crossed my desk at work, I knew it was coming home with me IMMEDIATELY. I have such fond memories of Archie, Jughead, Veronica & Betty. As a youth, Archie comics used to be the only one I bought with my hard earned allowance. I’d race down to 7/11 and buy the newest issue and a pack of Fun Dip. It made my afternoon!

Now, the “new” Archie has made my afternoon all over again. It was like settling in with old friends while also enjoying a bit of an update to the characters. No, don’t despair! They aren’t changed! Their personalities are still intact. They just have a fresh coat of paint, a bit of sprucing up.

Only thing missing today while I raced through these pages was the pack of Fun Dip … do they still make that??