A review by starryeyedenigma
Friends, Lovers, Chocolate by Alexander McCall Smith


This is the second book I read last week, and here is another author I wish I had read much earlier in my life! This was my first Alexander McCall Smith novel, and it was such a delight to read about a practical and intelligent woman, written by a man!

Friends, Lovers, Chocolate is the second in the series of Isabel Dalhousie books, which I found out only after reaching the end of the book, and I believe, I didn’t miss much. Each story is a different one, and I think in the first book, you’re probably introduced to Isabel and a few other recurring characters who are present in the second book too. I picked this book from the library purely on the basis of the title of the book!

Isabel Dalhousie is a philosopher who lives and works in Edinburgh in Scotland. She is in her 40s and single. I female philosopher! I was floored by that..now that’s a profession I would want to get into, so that I could use my thoughts to some good use at least