A review by ritasreadingcorner
Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James


OH MY GOD!!! I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. DAMN! This one is even better than Fifty Shades of Grey. I would give this book more than just five stars!

So, let's talk about the story. I was very sad in the beggining because Anastasia and Christian weren't together and she was miserable (and so was he, of course). So, when she received his flowers I was really happy because he wasn't giving up on them. When they decided to meet for José's exhibition I was like YES, YES, YES!!! (SO MANY FEELINGS OMG) Only one night was enough for them to see they couldn't stay away from each other. It's amazing how Ana's humor changed in a couple of hours. She was really happy.

It was wonderful seeing them together at her apartment having dinner the next day. They looked like a normal couple.

I was really glad that they were able to get back to normal so quickly.

Then Leila happened. Oh boy. Big problem. And there was also Jack, that pervert. When Ana went drinking with her colleagues and Jack was hitting on her and Christian appeared I was like "Hell yes. Back off, asshole." Christian Grey, the knight errant. Anastasia should really use Christian's advices. And, of course, there was Elena. Oh God, I hate that woman SO MUCH I wish I could just enter the book and kick her ass. Why can't she stay away?? Thank God Christian finally saw her true self.

The ball was amazing. Anastasia and Christian were so cute. I loved Lily's reaction when he gave all that money for her at the auction. That's right, bitch. Leave Christian the hell alone. He's too much for you.

I found very funny Mia and Ethan's reaction to each other. I'm curious to know how that's going to end though I ask myself what happened to her boyfriend, Sean. He just vanished.

Everything was ok, and then, suddendly, Christian disappears. Oh man, my heart skipped a beat, literally. Poor Christian. Poor Ana. Poor family. But then he returned!! Thank God. I had this grin on my face while reading about their reunion and it was just so sweet. And being in front of all that people just made it sweeter.

When Christian finally let Anastasia touch him I went all emotional. She's doing a great job helping him with his monsters. AND HE FINALLY SAID HE LOVES HER. *LET ME SCREAM AND CRY AND THEN SCREAM AGAIN*

About Christian's first present: I KNEW IT!! I was so sure she would give him something saying 'Yes' and I was right!!! I love them so much. He was SO happy.

His party didn't start the best way. Katherine shouldn't had gone through Ana's stuff but since she did it, I kinda understand her reaction. If I found out something like that in my best friend's stuff, I would be really scared for her and pissed off. But everything ended up fine.

I totally ship Katherine and Elliot. I hope they get married too. :)

Everything was supposed to be ok in the end, BUT NO. There's that son of a bitch trying to harm Christian. Ugh. That's Jack, right? I want to kill the guy, for God sake.

Anyway, this is an amazing book. It's worth it.