A review by nitzanschwarz
Beautiful Stranger by Christina Lauren


I'm really happy I chose to read this book even though I wasn't the biggest fan of Beautiful Bastard, because this one was a really good surprise.

Beautiful Stranger tells the story of Sara and Max. 

Sara had just came out of a bad relationship, one that pretty much made her doubt the male species and their ability to keep it in their pants. So, she's not looking for a relationship. In fact, she wants to belong to herself and herself only, at least for a little while. She's been some one else's - someone who didn't even love her - for too long already. 

So, she's never planned to let Max, the gorgeous Brit she meets at a club, enter her life and her heart. Max is charming, kind. He's so in-tuned to her that he knows what she wants and likes when she herself doesn't even know what it is. And he's the one to fall hard and fast for her, and to want everything

Quite frankly, I liked these two a lot more than I did Bennett and Chloe. 
Max is not a bastard. He's a hot, sexy, fun, nice, caring, loving guy. The moment Sara walked into his life, it was It for him. No more playing with other women, no more fooling around, and I loved him for that. 

Sara was a good heroine; she was goodhearted, kind, nice, but strong and dedicated. She also had a touch of innocence to her, even after all she's been through with her scumbag ex, which I found lovely.

The romance was both hot and sweet. Their time together was definitely sexy and steamy, and the aspect of the photography was captivating, especially with the way it was described; risque and elegant, as opposed to dirty and invasive.

Their dates were quite fantastic, even when Sara was so intent on not letting them happen. Because this is no-strings-attached sex, that's all, right?... Wrong. Very, very wrong, Sara. You can't run away from an attraction and chemistry like these two have, and you really can't stop yourself from falling for Max - as a book character or a reader, it doesn't really matter. 

(But, as with the first book, the strong emphasis on the sex was a bit too much. Less sex, more dates please!)

All in all, this was a very good romance story, and from the Beautiful Bastard series this is the one I would recommend. Definitely the book for you if you're looking for a steamy romance.