A review by karrama
Made You Up by Francesca Zappia


This is a great book. Great characters and characterizations, witty and great writing. I'm not as in love with the portrayal of schizophrenic patients or the coincidence magnet that these books can be. That said, the characters will draw a YA reader. The setting is great and the situation very well set up.

Alex is schizophrenic, on her meds and heading to a new school. She has to do community service to make up for the incident that made her leave her last high school. Community service is run by Miles, a guy who does anything for a buck. Think of him as the guy you would hire to pull a prank, and he doesn't mind making a nasty one. Alex works at the diner where Miles gets dinner every night, and sure enough they get off on the wrong foot. Don't worry, though. They have more in common that it seems on the surface.

Because of Alex's schizophrenia, she can't tell what's real when things start going wonky around her, but can she really be the only one with problems in this school? From seeing a snake in the ceiling of a class to seeing the boy of her dreams in Miles, Alex may just be more on the ball than anyone thought.