A review by magikspells
Killing Floor by Lee Child


To be completely honest, this book starts off really slow, at least after the initial arrest which isn't even that intense. It's slow as in first 2 hours I spent thinking 'ughhh' when are they going to stop talking and do something. I'm glad I plunged through it.

What I liked about this books and I think that I miss in other books are the details. I could clearly picture what these people looked like and why they did the things that I did. I could see the town (which I loved the southern depiction by the way), I could feel the heat or the rain, it felt like a story. And I love to be surprised, I love when there's a revelation that makes me gasp. And I love all the details put into the mystery here, it was very well done.

I would really say that my only complaint with the book as that parts were a little rush and unrealistic. I didn't believe this weird relationship that springs between Roscoe and Reacher in the space of a couple days. I also failed to see how he could read so much in one night and understand this huge conspiracy that it took his brother and professors to figure out. Give me a break, I get it, Jack's smart and he's good at deducing things. But that's like a genius level of smart that starts to feel unreal.