A review by maimona
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver


** Spoiler Alert!**

The new year 2020 just begun and this is the first book that I got to finish- pretty good way to start the year :)

I first chose to read the book because I saw a lot of ads for it and now that I finished reading it, I am really glad I did so, as it turned to be an awesome book, I enjoyed it so much and I have already recommended it to a lot of my friends!

One of the special things about it is that through the chapters I got to know about non-binary people, honestly, I had no idea that they excited before that- though I did know about the sexual orientation of lesbians, gay, and bisexual however this was the first time I read or hear about non-binary.
Thus, when I first started reading it I found it really hard to understand the whole thing and what ben was going through, even though the book did give a lot of details about being non-binary person and since I was curious and wanted to know more, so I looked it up on the internet for further information and I can say I know more now than I did before.

The book is fascinating, the depth of the feelings and the hardships the non-binary face are represented in such a comprehensive way, I sensed the panics that ben felt and was very sorry and sad for them. I am sure that it must be really hard for non-binary people to come out in the real-world which the society on it hardly accepts among it the different people, however, clearly being true to themselves is what they do the best and it is the right thing- this fact shows us that they are much braver than we think they are!

Another factor of the book that I found captivating and wondrous is the sister character. as a person, she is tough, reliable and forgiving. (while I was reading the book she kept reminding me of my eldest sister who has similar virtues, who is also an incredible person who I look up to, admire and love so much!).
At any rate, when the sister got a call from her sib asking for help she went right away without asking questions, there was no interrogation simply worrying and concern. perhaps because she herself went through similar hardships, only unlike her sib who was kicked out by their parents, in her cause she voluntarily ran away from them after she had enough of her life beside them. Hence she chose to leave them behind and start a new life.

The main character of the book which is Ben was able to get through the hardships that come with being non-binary with the help of others, a truly good people who he got to know, associate with and hang out with them, especially since they accepted him for who he is. Consequently, he got better with time until he was able to cope with the whole situation. however, this is different from how the situation actually progresses in the real world- definitely in a different way from that in the story. the thing is, I am pretty much sure that most of the non-binary people have it harder than that, some of them may be all alone, abandoned by relatives and friends - the people who they chose to trust and share their secrets with! and eventually, they never get the chance to cope with it.

lastly, the book is really great. It is interesting how at first I could not read much at a time, only till I read most of the first half of the book I was not able to put it down for the story got much more intense and complicated.
Furthermore, the last few chapters had a lot of emotions piled-up (I even cried!), especially the conversation between Ben and his sister. they opened up to each other and were able to talk things through and make it up for the things they missed in the past years as they were separated, consequently, they started acting distant towards each other, be it because of the situation with their parents or their personal misunderstandings!

In the end, things were solved and got better between them and we got our happy end :) which gladly I welcomed, though it was a typical ending!

**Highly recommended :)