A review by readfrenzy
The Siren by Tiffany Reisz


I’m bracing myself to be pelted with olives by my many friends who have placed this book on their Favorites shelf. I can’t recall ever being so frustrated by a novel I so desperately wanted to like! For most of the first half I was utterly confused and at times bored. Just when I thought I knew what was going on I’d realize I didn’t have a clue. The writing is impeccable and I couldn’t shake the feeling that Tiffany Reisz had a definitive framework in mind; I just couldn’t follow it. I’d like to think I’m fairly intelligent but I felt like I needed a PhD in Analytical Composition and Rhetoric to comprehend the parallel/intersecting storylines and the direction of the plot. I wanted to throw in the towel.

Luckily things turned around for me in dramatic fashion halfway through with the introduction of Søren. He is a force of nature and although I’m unconvinced he isn’t the Devil himself, instead of leaving a path of destruction in his wake Søren’s presence somehow manages to resurrect the story. The second half came alive for me. It’s shocking, intriguing, distressing, heartbreaking, and engrossing. All the characters — Nora, Zach, Wesley (oh, how I loved Wesley!), and Søren — while still unfathomably complex in the best possible way, suddenly come into clearer focus. And the last few chapters are absolute page-turners.

I would very much like to continue with the series. Hopefully it will be smoother sailing on my sea of comprehension.