A review by michael_benavidez
The Miracle Sin by Marcus Hawke


Another title releasing under the Blood Rites banner is the debut novel The Miracle Sin by Marcus Hawke. A grim, merciless story, Hawke writes with clear intent and beautiful imagery. This book is hard to go into without spoilers — and to spoil the story would be doing a disservice to the reader. The author’s writing style is unique, able to give fast-paced action and horrors while maintaining a descriptive quality that will shake the reader. The pacing is a rollercoaster of horror and tension.

To say more would be to reveal much. But take my word that this is very much a book to pick up.

Note: This is currently set as a re-read as I was burnt out during the first time, and unfortunately remember nothing of the plot other than the fantastical WOW I felt when I closed the book. It is a great book, and were I the type to make notes as I read, I'd be able to go further in depth. however that's what this reread is for. Still a highly recommended read, and will update this review.