A review by bookish_emily
Artemis by Andy Weir


4.5/5. In the spirit of full disclosure I will say that I met Andy Weir when I got this book, and he is awesome, so I was somewhat predisposed to like it. However, I would have enjoyed it anyway. It has the same snark, nerdiness, and real science in palatable form that made The Martian such a great read, but it's a totally different story. Rather than an adorably geeky scientist stranded on Mars, we have a rough-edged smuggler who has grown up on the moon and will do anything to keep from being deported to Earth. Though there are supporting characters, they don't get developed too much - the story mostly revolves around Jazz, our lovable rogue. One of my favorite parts of the book was her pen pal relationship with a boy on Earth - it provided additional glimpses into her childhood and overall character. I would have liked for the other people to have more depth as well, but perhaps we will see them again (I hope!) - there is certainly room left at the end for more Artemis. Andy Weir has written another ode to geeks that is sure to please many!