A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Song of Wishrock Harbor by Krista Walsh


After reading the first book in this series, Death at Peony House, I was quite excited to start the second book. Which was good, because in my enthusiasm about the concept I had accepted review copies of the first three books in the series and I hate it when I have to conclude that I took something I shouldn't have taken. The idea was that I would make a brief start with this book yesterday and then finish tomorrow. Well, I already finished today.

I might like this second book even more than the first book. Mostly because there aren't too many characters involved. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any issues with many characters in a book, but the downside is that it's hard to get to know them and to figure out what makes them tick. In this book we not only get to know the main character well, but we also get the chance to get to know the important side characters.

It also helps that the starring supernatural creature happens to be among my favorite fictional creatures. The power they have is amazing and I liked how Walsh played with the myth and what they were capable of. The scenes where our hero is dealing with these powers and its impact were amazing to read, especially because the effect on him was described so amazingly well. Actually, I can say that about all the atmospheric scenes and the scenes where magic and powers are used.

Just like in the first book, the book introduces quite some new supernatural species. In a very natural way we explore what this world has to offer and what the possibilities are. I can assure you that they are endless. I also like how there is this one storyline linking this story to the previous one, even though you will be able to read this story without having read the first one. I think I will eventually read the complete series, because I want to know where the big storyline is going!