A review by fauvely
Are U 4 Real? by Sara Kadefors


Two years ago today(May 29th), I met my boyfriend in Heathrow Airport. We'd been talking online almost everyday for hours and hours for over three months. We spent two perfect weeks together and cried so much when we had to say goodbye at the airport.

So I was hoping for this book to be even slightly similar to our story, whether it be similar in the online conversations or maybe similar in the way they meet. It was actually not similar in any way but it was still an okay book.

I've already read a few books on online relationships and they are usually about online predators or are extremely cheesy/lame(*cough*TweetHeart*cough*). This one was a bit different but still not what I was hoping for.

It's about a boy and a girl who meet in an AOL chatroom and start emailing each other. Their emails are all emo and they lie about their lives sometimes. The book goes back and forth between their actual lives and their emails to each other. There are actually not that many emails in the book so if you're hoping for lots of correspondence, you may be disappointed.

The translation of the book is kind of weird. It's not too bad but it was translated from Swedish and you can kind of tell sometimes. It's not too distracting, though. Apparently this was the best selling Y.A book of all time in Sweden which, if it's true, is pretty surprising.

I wished there had been more humour and romance in this book. Instead it was very dramatic and the main characters kept screwing up.

I guess I will keep looking for a book about an online relationship that'll satisfy me. This was okay in it's own way but I wished for something different.

I ordered this used on Amazon and waited about three weeks for it to come. The description had said "Like New" but when I got it, there was a tear in the dustjacket, pen writing on the inside of the dust jacket, and the edges and everything were all scuffed up. So I asked for a replacement or refund and got a refund. My point of this story is that even though my book was in shoddy shape, it was freeeeee!

I would recommend this to anyone who likes books about online relationships. It was good in it's own way but I just didn't love it.