A review by tbrwarriors_87
The Unbroken Beauty of Rosalind Bone by Alex McCarthy


'Tucked into the Welsh valleys and encircled by silver birch and pine, the village of Cwmcysgod may appear a quiet, sleepy sort of place. But beneath the surface, tensions simmer, hearts ache, and painful truths threaten to emerge'

Set in this atmospheric town, Catrin Bone is 16 and lives with her reclusive / Agoraphobic mother, Mary. Knowing only what she has been told her entire life, Catrin starts to wonder what is truth and what is fiction.

Her aunt, Rosalind Bone has always been a HUSHED subject no one talks about, not even her mother - who keeps the only photo she has of her sister buried at the bottom of a cluttered kitchen drawer. She doesn't know Catrin knows it's there, but she does. The only thing Catrin knows is that Rosalind's beauty was unmatched and unparalleled - no one knows what became of Rosalind, not even Mary, they just all assumed she left for bigger and better things.

They could not have been more wrong!

An old man with dementia walks the town, buying the same items at the grocery store for years, no one questions a man in his condition.

The Clements brothers are trash, or so everyone thinks of them anyway. Deciding they will amount to nothing either way. The youngest use to be Catrin's best friend - and she misses him. Now they are both alone.

Short but SO POWERFUL. This book hits right in the gut.

The writing was SO beautiful, so descriptive, I could picture everything and everyone so vividly, down to the lines on their faces.

During the story you kind of get snippets of different characters and different POV's but not before long they all start coming together in the most moving way.

This story is about jealousy, pain, grief, love and everything else woman have had to endure throughout the ages.

This book does explore some heavy topics so please check out trigger warnings.