A review by foesandlovers
Drowning in Rapture by Megan D. Martin


1,5 " Worst case of cheesy sentences " Star

Alright. It might be unfair of me to call this book THE worst case of tacky -crappy- sentences, but really, let me give you an example and then you might agree with me:

" A soft knock on the door made my pussy clench. "

What? Really?! If I had one thing to say to this woman, it would be this: I truly, honestly, sympathise with you, walking around 24/7 aroused must be terrible. Because that IS exactly what she has to put up with all throughout the book, I mean, there simply wasn't a single page where her body is not showing signs of arousal. Poor woman, that seems very unfortunate. I shit you not though, this stuff is true:

Exhibit A: " My PERMANENTLY hard nipples pressed at the bejeweled fabric. "

Exhibit B: " The beginning of an orgasm built in my core. What the hell? He hasn't even touched me yet! I tried not to let my surprise on my face. This man had readied my body to cum without even touching me. "

And, honestly, I had much more than just two exhibits.

Anyway, Drowning in Rapture is the story of Jewel, her real name is Julia though, a stripper who performs live sex shows. By that, I mean that she gets paid to have sex with a man in front of an audience. Repeatedly. But she's good at her job, so you know, why not? Right? Right. Well, she used to perform the live shows with her best friend, who's gay AND in a relationship, but he left with his said boyfriend to go live the dream in the Big Apple. Therefore, the show must go one. But Jewel needs a partner. And so IN walks The Ripper. Take his name literally. That's what he does, and he's good at it. Jewel, who thought she had everything in her life under control, realizes that the new sexy tattooed, long haired, sex god she has as a partner seems to be good at taking that control away from her...

" I don’t want to lose myself and drown in another man. But I’m afraid it’s already too late... "

So, like I said before, I DID NOT like the wording in this story. And honestly, I DID NOT like the story either. If you're now wondering why in the hell I gave it 1,5 star, well, it's because EVEN THOUGH I didn't like it, I kept reading, for some reason that I cannot explain.

If I really try to find what that reason might be, I guess it's because of the certain mystery that surrounded The Ripper's character. Not Jewel though, I mean, her character was pretty bland and open about everything, pun intended. But The Ripper totally had something going on for him, and I think that's what kept me reading. Damn it, I wanted to know, ok? I won't lie, he was pretty hot. As sexy as a long haired sex beast can be, if such a thing exists.

All of this being said, I absolutely won't continue this series. I read the first one, and had my fill. It's enough. However, if you're looking for a book with PLENTY of scorching sex, and cheesy sentences don't annoy you, well I'd say you've found the perfect book. The sex was great, I ADMIT IT, alright!? It was pretty good. And the guy was hot. That deserves at least a star.

Anyway, I will read more from Megan D.Martin, and I HOPE that I won't have to get through terrible lines like this book made me suffer through. Please.