A review by thefantasticalworldofsara
A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult


I wasn't sure what to expect with this book as I was reading it for a book club but I ended up really enjoying it!

The story is told backwards, from when a gunman has already taken several hostages and shot people in an abortion clinic. While at times going backwards in the timeline was a bit confusing, for the most part it was really well done! I liked how it unfolded and that as the story progressed you found out more about why each character had come to the clinic that day.

Jodi Picoult also did a great job of showing all the sides of the pro-choice and pro-life debate. Neither side was vilified and were both given ample discussion room.

Overall, a 3.5 read for me!

ps. The views expressed in this review are my own and do not reflect the views of Indigo Books & Music Inc. or any of it's subsidiaries.