A review by pewterwolf
Mr Tiger, Betsy and the Blue Moon by Sally Gardner, Nick Maland


Review To Come

***eProof gifted by UK publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review/reaction, though I listened to the audiobook via Libby***

Over the past few months, I have been reading/audiobook quite heavy books. Not heavy as in subject matter, but I've been reading a lot of adult crime and, sometimes, you need your break. You need something fun and light.

And this jumped to mine. I've had the eProof of this for a few years and the idea of finding out how/why a tiger wearing a coat is climbing a ladder to the moon with a girl on his back appealed to me. However, something weird has happened to my Kindle and nearly all my NetGalley proofs were wiped out and I can't get them back.

But when I found the audiobook, I was very happy. Plus, it was really short.

This was lovely and just a joy of a story. It is very middle grade fantasy, which makes this a very imaginative story and, though I audiobooked this, I feel like this like a good story for those who are dyslexic or struggle with reading.

This was a simply joyful read, full of fun, silliness and I am intrigued to see Mr Tiger and Betsy again soon...