A review by amym84
Pray for Dawn by Jocelynn Drake


Pray for Dawn is the 4th book in the series, and it just keeps getting better and better. In this book Jocelynn Drake decides to take a different step in that Danaus becomes the narrator for the book. So far, the story has been told from Mira's point of view, but the change is an interesting twist. I liked seeing Mira from Danaus's side. And I liked that we got to know what Danaus thoughts about events.

The naturi are free and Aurora is out. Pray for Dawn starts about three months after events in [b:Dawnbreaker|6289935|Dawnbreaker (Dark Days, #3)|Jocelynn Drake|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1349566314s/6289935.jpg|6474292]. Danaus left Mira in a cave in Peru and they've since gone their separate ways. Fate, however, has a tendencyto bring these two back together again. So. Danaus find himself back in Savannah looking into the murder of a senator's daughter. This is something that can cause unfriendly light to be shown on the othernatural world. Something that they aren't ready or prepared for. So who wants to speed things along with the Great Awakening? And what happened to Mira in the intervening 3 months?

After reading, I conclude that there was no other way to tell this story except from Danaus's point of view. Mira is acting strange, and upon reading (not wanting to give anything away) we find out why. But because of the things going on with Mira it would have become increasinly difficult for her to be narrator of this book. So besides the fact that I liked getting Danaus thoughts and feelings, someone had to be the voice of reason in this book.

We get a new bad guy. The first three books seemed to be one story arc. Even though the naturi are still a real threat, and I'm guessing that big showdown will be saved for the final book, there are still other things that can cause problems in our hero's world, namely the Bori. Bori are the creatures who initially created the Nightwalker, and one currently holds half of Danaus soul. This was something we've learned in previous books and obvioulsy a big deal that eventually would have to have been dealt with, so Pray for Dawn deals with it. The bori has found a temporary escape to earth and wants Danaus to provide a more permanent solution. Of course Danaus does not want to do anything to help the bori, but he know very little about them, so he doesn't know how to deal with them.

I'll admit there were a few things that came out of left field for me, and some things that I'm not sure were necessary in the story, but I'm willing to go with it because I know that Jocelynn Drake has a plan for where she's taking us / the characters. The end is a huge cliffhanger, I'm just happy that I'm reading this now that the whole series is out. No waiting!