A review by cseanread
Down by Ally Blue


Absolutely loved this. It's always so refreshing to find a book that features queer characters as just a part of the story, not the main focus. The relationship in this book is not front and center, and honestly isn't really fully formed until 2/3 of the way through.

This is first and foremost a horror story, and what a great horror story it is! There were moments in this book where I literally got a chills -- and I consider myself pretty jaded to the genre. The tension is perfectly paced, with enough time between thrills to help you unwind just enough to be ready to wind back up again. The creatures and the descriptions of such are deliciously envisioned, with enough left to the imagination to spark terror.

The characters themselves are so beautifully formed and fleshed-out. I love the inclusion of characters of color, and women! SO MANY WOMEN! IN A STEM FIELD! Ugh it's so great. My little social justice heart wept with joy.

Even the ending,
Spoilerwhich was not the happy kind I typically need,
was just as fulfilling as the rest of the story. It pulled together all the loose ends and questions I had, and resolved the main arch in a beautiful and true way that suited the story best.

I can't recommend this book enough (if you like horror! because this is very solidly a horror story). I couldn't put it down, and I plan on buying a copy for my own bookshelf at home.