A review by multenis
One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny


For reference, I'm being generous with my rating.

It's a charming book, but it should have never been based in any real time or place, for they only do disservice to the story. What baffled me the most, was what the author said during the after-book interview (available in audiobook version): something about not feeling comfortable writing fantasy, and needing to base the story in 'real' circumstances. What a load of bullshit! This is the most fantastical story, ridden with so many historical inaccuracies, that it truly reads more like a fairytale than a historical romance.

Please, dear authors, you do not need dragons to justify creating historically-inspired settings, if you're not willing to do the actual time period justice! And, yes, if you're so stuck with the idea of referencing King Arthur, you can add an equivalent to your own lore, the readers will most likely still get the idea!