A review by greebytime
Wreathed by Curtis Edmonds


First, a disclaimer - I have "known" author Curtis Edmonds for several years now, though all of it is online, and a great deal of why we've stayed friends is because of his excellent writing. (It certainly isn't because we root for the same sports teams or vote for the same candidates.) That said, I do believe I can unbiasedly say that Wreathed is an excellent novel that is well worth a read.

Without summarizing it too much, for I hate reviews that are not much more than synopses, the story is primarily of Wendy Jarrett, who takes her mother to a funeral and meets a handsome man named Adam there, the nephew of the deceased. From there, the book primarily seems to be a romance between two unlikely partners. In this way, I started worrying that it was echoing a lot of what I loved about Edmonds first novel, Rain On Your Wedding Day. (Which, it should be said, I also quite liked - but I want something different in each book I read.)

But then, and this happened at least twice (and maybe a third time if my wobbly memory serves), the book took a hard detour and turned out to be something else entirely. The plot twists are of course not worth mentioning because that would spoil the fun, but trust me it IS fun. The dialogue is also great, and I'm impressed with Edmonds ability to write in the first person as a female - it rang true to me as a guy, for what that's worth. My favorite character is one I cannot name because, again, the plot twists, but it really is quite a fun novel and I recommend it to all.