A review by usbsticky
Ghost Country by Patrick Lee


Spoilers ahead:
I loved book #1 and got this one right away after reading it. However, as I predicted at the end of my other review #2 isn't as good.

The author is great at what he does. The writing is smooth, easy to read and flows smoothly. There are none/little slow parts in the book. Everything is done just right, the action, the characters and he has a knack of setting up the plot, putting the characters into impossible situations that they have to extricate themselves out of or solve.

The premise in book 1 is that a Very Large Ion Collider has produced The Breach, a wormhole into somewhere that spits out Entities, very advanced thingamajigs, way beyond our science. There are things that heal, invisible suits, etc. The plot of the first book was just the protagonist discovering the group that controls The Breach and learning about it.

Book 2 is not really about The Breach. In fact the plot is just a regular "take over the world" plot where some guy loses his idealism and decides to kill everyone in the world except a few tens of thousands of people who deserve to live.

The plot does use one Entity, a device that creates a manhole 70 odd years into the future. You can climb into it and back out. So you can use it as an escape device to get out of a predicament and then come back a few hundred yards or a mile away. Say you have been locked into a room, you create the hole, go into the future where the room has fallen apart, move 10 feet away from the room and create another hole to come back to now.

The protagonists uses the Entity and sees that the future Earth has been ruined. Then they use the Entity to go back and forth in time to figure out who or what has caused this to happen. The author does a great job of it, almost like a detective protocol where they look for clues that lead them to the next stage until they finally uncover the mystery. It's a great read that I finished within 24 hours.