A review by becsa
The Kissing Ball by Aubree Lane


Wow - what an incredible book!!

Melissa Ellison is 23 years old and a tree trimmer for her father's company Fallen Leaf Tree Trimming Service who handcrafts mistletoe decorations during the holiday season.

Melissa is offered the job opportunity she has always wanted from Cooper Dailey who runs Backyard Basics to make decorations for the Kiss and Tell dance with a huge budget. Melissa and her friend Sara work together to employ autistic adults to help make the decorations. But it's not as easy as she has hoped and she enlists Ryder Moore, whom used to work for her dad's business and had a huge crush on to help her achieve what she has been striving toward.

Unfortunately, Melissa soon finds herself up against more than she has planned for and will she succeed or will all of her goals fall flat?

I loved this book and found I took so much away from it. I learned so much about autism and what the families go through. I loved the interactions between Sara, Melissa and the families and just felt so good after reading the book. I loved discovering more about Ryder and really loved the ending!! What a great book!!