A review by hungry_ghosts
And The Stars Were Burning Brightly by Danielle Jawando


I finished this yesterday at 1 AM and considered putting it on my favorite shelf immediately. I didn't do it, because I was tired, emotional and overwhelmed, and I wanted to sleep, even though I couldn't sleep for another hour because my mind was still boggled by this book.

This morning, after 6 hours of poor sleep, I realized it did belong on my favorite shelf, and that I also wanted to write a review.

I read this book in one day and it left me emotionally broken. It was so raw, so emotional, so real. The characters had their own unique voices. And the thing is - you read it and you almost cannot believe how cruel people can be to one another. You read it and you hope, you wish, that your suspicions aren't true. But they are, and you realize that even though you can barely believe that people do these sort of things, you also know that they do.

You know it because you have seen it in some way, experienced it yourself or experienced it from a distance.

Anyway, I almost called my brother after reading this, because he's a teenager and he is Al's age, but I didn't, because it was 1 AM and he'd probably be annoyed anyway. But I'll make sure to hug him a little tighter when I can see him again.