A review by heatherhy01
Across the Galaxy by Heather Hildenbrand


Review located at http://www.nightlyreading.wordpress.com

Heather Hildenbrand wrote a unique novel full of drama, romance and action. I cannot wait to read more of her work.

Alina is different from the other kids in Arizona. She is from another planet called Gliese. She is what is considered a “glow”. Her chest can illuminate a light brighter than the sun.

Alina is the daughter of the Emporer and Empress of her planet. They were killed trying to protect her from the shadows. Peter, her guardian, is very protective and moves them around a lot to keep them safe. The shadows were always trying to find them. Peter tells Alina that she is special, her mother had powers greater than any other glow he had known.

Alina loved Arizona. She loved the heat and the beautiful scenery. She lived peacefully, wishing she could just be herself and not have to lie to everyone about who she really was. One day, she gets her wish when she is followed by a shadow. Soon, she is swept away to another planet and saying goodbye to the only life she has ever known.

As Alina learns more about her past, she meets a lot of her people that remember her, but she just cannot place them. She has to come to terms with her powers and figure out how to get them and then use them, she needs to piece together her past and lastly, she is falling in love with someone everyone thinks is wrong for her.

There were several parts of this book that I loved. I loved the descriptions of the other planets and thought how cool it would be to actually be there myself. I loved the conversations between Alina and her horse, Nightingale. Nightingale had been Alina’s best friend, the only one who really knew the real Alina. And, Lastly, I loved the relationship between Alina and Ander.

I thought this was a great action packed book. Once I got started, I could not stop reading and could not wait to find out what happens in the end. Across the Galaxy was released in January, 2011. So far, it is only available on ebook edition, but hopefully, soon we can get a copy in hard print.