A review by abinthebooks
Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews


Magic Strikes is the second book in the Kate Daniels series, and it absolutely outdoes it’s predecessor in all areas. I had a range of problems with book 1, but I ultimately ended up giving it a 3.5 for enjoyment. However, I didn’t just rate its sequel purely on my enjoyment: I truly think this book improves a tenfold from the first book.

Not only is the world so much bigger (which was one of my critiques in book 1), but so is the mystery aspect. It made for a much more fun reading experience, and I actually enjoyed the mystery this time (as opposed to book 1 where I gave a shit less about the mystery and all my shits were on Kate x Curran). All the twists and turns really got me, and I thought the incorporation of Celtic mythology was super interesting. It really felt more accessible for me as a reader, because these characters are finding out about this side of the magic with us, the readers. I thought it was a really fun way to introduce new ideas and concepts, while also making the world so much wider.

Not only was the world better, but so was the writing. There is such a drastic improvement from Magic Bites writing to its sequel; the descriptions are less dry, the characters dialogue is more believable, and the mystery aspect (as I said above) was so much more engaging, whilst also being more complex too. These authors really honed their craft in this book, and I can’t way to see how much better written this series gets as the books go on.

I can’t finish off the review before mentioning Kate, the absolute loml. If you really want a truly laugh out loud series to read, Kate Daniels is where it’s at. Not only is she absolutely tongue-in-cheek, smart-ass, hilarious, but she’s also hella smart and a really compelling heroine to follow. Ok, yes, is she a little overpowered and a little too cocky, at times? Yes. Usually this would be bother me, but I just think the way she’s written—with not just her humor but her love for the people around her—makes me look past the lowkey Mary-Sueness of her.

Also Curran x Kate is so fucking cute, I love these two together and they hardly got any page time in this book; I was pissed. These two feed my enemies-to-lovers, slowburn banter need like a drug. They’re so funny together, and the way they clash on literally everything is so fucking entertaining, you can’t help but root for them. Kate and Julie also have the best relationship in here. The way Kate went from calling her a “street-urchin brat” to “my kid” OH MY GOD!!! The protectiveness she started to feel over Julie. My heart is so full for them, I literally adore them so much, and I can’t remember the last I’ve read a genuinely good found family trope.

Anyways, enough about my gushing. I know this book took me almost a month to read (I have my reasons, leave me alone